Don’t leave too easily.
In our modern world, where we can get next-day shipping, where we can cure Tuesday night angst with a Netflix binge, I think we forget the paths God desires His people to choose are not tidy.
Can you think of a biblical character, a person, who had a worthwhile mission that was easy? I can’t.
No, the work, the life God desires for us is rarely neat.
So, if you find yourself on a path you thought you were called to walk, but it’s longer than you thought, if you find yourself questioning whether this path is the right one, because if it was, wouldn’t it be clear?
Don’t leave it too easily.
Because the grace of God unfolds slowly.
Sometimes more slowly than we’d like.
There is something that can happen when our circumstances require us to trust—we become closer to the one who first breathed us into life and breathes life into us still.
As we work to navigate the life’s twists and turns, the Divine works in us.
You are not finished.
But God is not either.
Don’t leave too easily.
Get my book, The Gift of the Unexpected”: https://amzn.to/3Xuejy3 (affiliate