I Fed My Last Baby His Last Bottle

Posted: 7 years ago

I Fed My Last Baby His Last Bottle

how to deal with baby growing upToday I fed my last baby his last bottle.

He’s been drinking out of a sippy cup for a while, but he loves his bottle, and I love holding him while he drinks from it.

Today, was the last time.

The living room basket that has held burp cloths for the past six years is empty.

My counter, where the bottle rack laid, is clear tonight.

And so is my vision.

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How to cope with children growing up. #parenting


My heart feels a bit sad, but I also know this is how God designed it to be.

We cherish the moments because we know they will soon pass, but when they do, there’s still so much good on the other side.

It’s different to be sure. My baby’s squirmy 21-pound frame is getting harder to cradle, but, how I love watching him go.  He’s not just smiling, but now smirking, when he knows he’s being cute. I get to see more of who he is every day.

Today I gave my last baby his last bottle, but I know it’s not only an ending but also a beginning.

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How to cope with children growing up. #parenting



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