My husband and I have been through hell and back. More than once.
We were broken for a time, yes. But instead of staying that way, we became like a work of glass art.
Glass artists make their creations by fusing broken pieces of glass together. The artists heat the glass over 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit and once the artist is done putting the pieces of glass through extreme conditions, what were once separate, become a masterpiece.
Once fused, there is no way to separate the glass again without shattering the creation.
I know extreme conditions can destroy a marriage.
But somehow that’s not our story. Somehow, through our choices and God’s grace, through support and our own internal work, we became more fused together.
And different than when we started.
Maybe your love story took an unexpected turn.
Maybe it’s not something that can be marketed on Valentine’s Day.
But know this- you may be falling apart.
But perhaps those pieces can be the start of something new.
Perhaps the flames are making a new creation.
A creation that will always be fragile, yes, and also uniquely beautiful with a story to tell.
If this spoke to you, I believe my book, “The Gift of the Unexpected- Discovering Who You Were Meant to be When Life Goes Off Plan” will too: https://a.co/d/8Jz7yfC

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