Show Your Child How to be “The One”

Posted: 2 years ago

Show Your Child How to be “The One”

Show your child how to be the one.

My son, who has a developmental disability, had a rough first day at VBS. The church leadership asked me what I thought would help him. So, I told them- find the one.

Find the one child who sees him. Find the one who notices his differences and wants to know him more. Find the one child who stays, who lingers, who will meet him where he is.

So, they did. They found the one. And then, my child thrived. I talked to the girl afterward- she thrived too.

It took one of my child’s peers including him, really including him, for him to know he belonged. He didn’t have to stay on the outskirts, he could immerse himself in the whole experience. Because he belonged just as he was.

So, how do we show our children how to be the one? I think we become the one ourselves. I think it starts with noticing people. Really noticing. We get curious. We include. We lead with love.

Last week, I prayed there would be the one. This week, I pray I am the one for others more often than I am right now, for those who need to be seen, and also for my children who need to be shown the way.
If this spoke to you as a parent or as someone who wants to “be the one”, I know my book will speak to you too. It’s called, “The Gift of the Unexpected- Discovering Who You Were Meant to be When Life Goes off Plan”: (affiliate)



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