A Special Needs Mom’s Back to School Prayer

Posted: 7 years ago

A Special Needs Mom’s Back to School Prayer

special needs mom's back to school prayer down syndromeHow to pray for child with special need’s school year.

Dear God,

I pray my child is embraced for who they are. I pray they are wanted not in spite of their differences, but because of them. May their diversity be celebrated.

I pray teachers and staff have a healthy balance of patience and high expectations because they are capable of much.

God, I pray you open up my child’s mind with readiness to grow. May they learn more about your world, so they can fully embrace the beautiful life you’ve given them.

God, I pray kindness abounds. May it flow steadily from both kids and adults through the classroom, playground, and hallways.

Beyond kindness, beyond inclusion, I pray my child makes a real friend.  Because life is hard, disability can be complicated, and we all need someone to lean on.

God, this is my prayer above all, more than academic progress or meeting IEP goals, I pray my child walks into school every day knowing they belong.


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How to Pray for your child with special need's school year. #prayer #faith #christianity

How to pray for child with special need’s school year




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