I’ve decided to embrace this symbol; the ‘and’ symbol. What’s special about it? For me, it’s defined how I look at and talk about parenting a child with a disability.
I used to be a ‘but’ user.
Parenting a child with a disability is hard BUT it’s so good!
Parenting a child with a disability can be so intense BUT sometimes I forget he even has one!
Parenting a child with a disability is challenging BUT I’m learning so much about life!
What happens when we replace the above statements with ‘and’? We reject the need to justify. We take off our PR hats and become real with one another and ourselves. We can’t put this extraordinary existence in a nicely defined box. Life is complex. And so is parenting a child with a disability.
My truth is this:
Parenting a child with a disability is hard and it is good.
Parenting a child with a disability is challenging and it is rewarding.
Parenting a child with a disability is draining and it is a gift.
There’s no positive spin. There’s no need to justify how I feel. It is both, it is all, it is ‘and’.
I find rest in the ‘and’ because its where the realness of my journey alongside my child lies. Parenting a child with a disability is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done and I wouldn’t trade it. It is exhausting and it is worth every effort. I’m not who I once was and for that I am grateful.