You Can Be Both

Posted: 7 years ago

You Can Be Both

You can be both.

The other day I posted a sweet back to school prayer for special needs moms. The next day I posted a picture from the Target checkout line saying that wine was a necessary purchase after getting through the “back to school” aisle. Because truth.

I lost some “followers”. 

This happens from time to time. People follow my page because they think I’m one thing and it turns out I’m more than that one thing. Or it’s completely possible they were just annoyed. Either way, I used to edit myself to fit the majority.

But no more. Because I can be both.

I can be a Jesus girl and a mom who has a daily glass of wine-sometimes two. I can be introspective and also laugh at the latest viral parenting video making the rounds. I can be the mom who cooks mostly organic dinners and also the mom who serves frozen pizza in front of the TV. 

I can be both and so can you.

You can be the mom who is frustrated to her core and also sad to see your kids leave for the day. You can be a feminist and also make your husband’s lunches. You can attend political rallies and the comedy club.

Labels are meant for wine bottles and they can’t tell you the full story of what’s inside.

You can be strong and vulnerable. You can be deep and funny. You can be passionate about more than one thing.

Don’t let anyone make you believe that you have to fit perfectly into a category. You are more than one note, you are as rich as a cabernet.

And guess what? Jesus made wine because it made for a better party. He also made only one you with potential for a better world.

So, stop watering yourself down. Just stop it.

You can be both. You can be can be both



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