His mercies are all around.
As a special needs family, it is sometimes hard to know which events are newsworthy. At my youngest son’s recent checkup, I learned he needed surgery as soon as possible. I was a little shocked by the news, but life has been so chaotic it didn’t dawn on me to tell family. Somehow it trickled down and both my mother in law and my mom offered to fly out to lend a hand.
His mercies are all around.
The day before surgery, a friend dropped off a gift for our son and dinner for us. Another friend dropped off breakfast in the wee morning hours.
His mercies are all around.
The morning of the procedure- I asked God for my son to sleep in. I asked him to make it so my son wasn’t too hungry or thirsty. My two-year-old slept in more than an hour later than normal and even though the surgery was delayed by 4 hours, he didn’t complain.
His mercies are all around.
I don’t know why God allows bad things to happen. I don’t think the maker of the universe needs hardships to create goodness. Instead, I think dark events tend to reveal the goodness that is always present- the love, the courage, the generosity inside us all. Today, I see His goodness more clearly but really…
His mercies are all around.