Sometimes Life is in the Interruptions

Posted: 6 years ago

Sometimes Life is in the Interruptions

Sometimes life is in the interruptions.

I wake up two hours before children so I can get some time alone with God and time to write. I need those hours spiritually and professionally. Today, it was cut short by an early morning diaper blowout. I turned on Sesame Street and was going to try to write amidst the distraction, but I stopped. I wrapped my arm around my son and stroked his wispy hair instead.

Sometimes life is in the interruptions.

Later I started exercising while my kids ate breakfast. I was only a quarter of the way through the work out when a friend called. I took a deep breath and answered. I may not have lost the calories I wanted to, but as I listened to her share the details of her life and in turn, I shared the details of my own, my heart was filled.  

Sometimes life is in the interruptions.

I started to prepare dinner. I sliced up the chicken and made the marinade. I was about to begin the cilantro-rice when my daughter asked if I would stop so she could put on a play. She began to act out the entire movie of Frozen, playing all the characters and singing all the songs. I microwaved a bag of instant rice instead.

Because sometimes life is in the interruptions.

 ‘No’s’ are good, ‘no’s’ are often healthy. There are times to say: “No, I can’t answer right now because I need this time for my health. No, I can’t play because I have a deadline. No, I can’t commit to volunteering because it will take away from the goals I’m working towards.” But I’ve realized there are also moments or even full days where I need to slow down, put my agenda aside, and say ‘yes’.

Because sometimes life happens in the interruptions. 



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