Dear Special Needs Parent, I see you in the fight.
I see you fighting insurance companies for the life-saving drug and life-altering treatments.
I see you fighting school systems, from the slow and steady oppression of low expectations to the outright segregation that still exists.
I see you fighting for not only your child but mine, too. I see you taking the advocacy courses and leading the charge for policy change.
I also see you turning your life upside down when you have fought all you can. I see you changing your zip code, your job, your church because your child is not be welcomed here. You haven’t given up, you’re just changing the battleground.
He sees you in the fight, too. Jesus was and is a fighter. His motivations were born out of love, just like yours are now. He came here to bring justice to the oppressed, inclusion for the excluded, He came here to show us He’s for bringing restoration to broken systems.
He is on the side of those who are fighting for the vulnerable, He’s on the side of those who are building bigger tables, He’s on the side of those who are out to change the world into a more loving and accepting place. He shows you, and me, relentless solidarity in all stages of our battles. He’s been there, He’s done that and He’s cheering you on in your fight now.
Dear Special Needs Parent, I see you in the fight. He sees you, too.