I wonder if you’re someone who has lived life as if it were an emergency…because it was.
Perhaps you’re like me and walked the halls of hospitals one too many times.
Or perhaps your emergency came in the form of sudden loss, forcing you into deep grief.
Or maybe someone in your life left and you were forced to take over responsibilities you never had.
Perhaps you lived like you were in survival mode because your survival or the survival of those around you was hanging in the balance.
Maybe you have been clawing your way through the years. Maybe you still need to.
Or maybe the threat that once pressed in on all sides has subsided. But you have lived this way for so long, you forgot how to live differently. And if that’s the case-
You have permission to start living your life at a different pace than what was once required of you.
You can live your life at a different pace than what others have come to expect of you.
You can live at a different pace than what you have come to expect from yourself.
You can retract those claws.
You can stop the uphill run and make the turn that leads you to the flat path now available to you.
Maybe life was an emergency for a time. But maybe it’s not anymore.
You have permission to breathe in deeply and exhale slowly.
You have permission to take in the view that still has wreckage in it & also new forms of beauty sprouting.
You have permission to live anew
Get my book The Gift of the Unexpected- Discovering Who You Were Meant to be When Life Goes Off Plan https://www.amazon.com/Gift-Unexpected-Discovering-Were-Meant/dp/0764240498